Saturday, 30 January 2010
Wow, what a year!
Saturday, 20th March, Saturday, 17th April & Saturday, 15th May.
Spring is on its way and we have big plans for the farm project this year!
During 2009, the farm has provided the Kadesh students with hours of worthwhile activity.
In 2010, our aim is to open the farm on Saturdays during the summer for families to enjoy the picnic area and meet the animals.
In the run-up to Summer we will be doing things like making a duck pond, putting up a greenhouse, digging up tree stumps, painting gates etc. etc.
There is a job to suit everyone!
If you are able to help for a day (9.30 ‘til 4), or just an hour or two, we would be very happy to see you!
BBQ at lunchtime!
For more information, or to sign up, please contact Andi Roy, Steve Jeffery or Adrian Roy on 07941 333455, or the DC3 office on 01379 644223.