Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The goats arrive

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Today we collected the goats from a farm in Coney Weston. We have two adult goats, one called Miriam, who is pregnant, and one called Thyme, who has a four week old kid at foot. Jake has named the baby "Spice". Miriam (Mim for short) is due to give birth next week. She is very tame because she used to live on a farm belonging to a disabled learning centre. She's very affectionate and likes to have her chin stroked. Thyme and Spice are more nervous and not so used to being handled but hopefully they'll soon settle in and get used to us.

1 comment:

  1. lolol. this is the best blog ever. came i come and see the young uns?
