Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Bailey the 'micro pig'.

Several months ago Bailey the 'micro' pig came to us. He was sold as a micro pig and the previous owners were told that he would only grow to 12 inches tall. This is becoming an all too familiar story. He grew and grew and started wrecking their house. There are several companies that sell these 'micro' pigs but any vet or pretty much anyone who knows anything about pigs will tell you that there is no such thing as a 'micro' pig, it is all a big con. Pigs don't reach their full size until they are three years old. Bailey was only two years old and was already huge.

Bailey enjoyed his time at Kadesh farm and always looked very happy and would roll over to have his tummy tickled. Unfortunately last week it became necessary to have Bailey put to sleep. It is suspected that he had a brain tumour but without an expensive post mortem we will never know for sure. Over the last couple of weeks he had become very aggressive and started to attack the other animals and me. The vet was excellent and put him to sleep without fuss and he died doing what he loved in life - eating!

If you or anyone you know is considering getting a 'micro' pig then give me a call and I'll soon change your mind. DON'T DO IT! PIGS ARE OUTDOOR ANIMALS!!!!

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